12 May 2023

Random genealogy question for ChatGPT -- Tenth cousin twice removed

While using the FamilySearch Family Tree app or Relatives Around Us during RootsTech I found most if not all of the people I compared were related to me in a tenth cousin twice removed or closer relationship. I have wondered what this relationship is like in terms of people, time and years. I thought this would be a great question to ask ChatGPT. 

I asked ChatGPT,  "If I have a tenth cousin twice removed please calculate the total number of shared or direct relatives we would have."

ChatGPT responded: To calculate the total number of shared or direct relatives between you and a tenth cousin twice removed, we need to consider the generational relationship and calculate the number of ancestors at each generation.

A tenth cousin means that you and your cousin share a common set of great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. The "twice removed" part indicates a difference of two generations.

Here's a breakdown of the generational relationship:

You and your cousin are of the same generation (0 shared ancestors).

Your parents are of the first previous generation (2 shared ancestors).

Your grandparents are of the second previous generation (4 shared ancestors).

Each subsequent generation doubles the number of shared ancestors.

To calculate the total number of shared or direct relatives, you can use the formula:

Total Relatives = 2^(generations back + 1)

In this case, with ten generations back and two times removed, the calculation would be:

Total Relatives = 2^(10 + 1) = 2^11 = 2,048

Therefore, you would have a total of 2,048 shared or direct relatives with a tenth cousin twice removed.

Please note that this calculation assumes a simplified model where there are no instances of intermarriage or common ancestors in the family tree. In reality, the number of shared relatives can vary due to various factors such as intermarriage, multiple relationships, and complex family structures.

I asked ChatGPT, "How many years are represented in a tenth cousin twice removed relationship?" 

ChatGPT responded: In a genealogical context, a "removed" relationship signifies a difference in generational levels. Each "removed" indicates a generational shift.

A tenth cousin refers to individuals who share a common set of great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents.

The term "twice removed" indicates a difference of two generations.

To calculate the number of years represented in a tenth cousin twice removed relationship, we need to estimate the average number of years between generations. This can vary, but a commonly used estimate is around 25-30 years.

Assuming an average of 25 years per generation, the calculation would be as follows:

(10 generations + 2 generations) x 25 years = 300 years

Therefore, a tenth cousin twice removed relationship represents approximately 300 years of generational distance. This estimate serves as a rough approximation, as actual generational lengths can vary depending on factors such as cultural norms, individual circumstances, and historical periods.

I asked ChatGPT, "How are Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt related? What is there genealogical cousin relationship, like 10th cousin twice removed?"

ChatGPT responded: Teddy Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt) and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were fifth cousins. They shared a common ancestor, Nicholas Roosevelt, who lived in the 17th century. This makes their genealogical relationship a fifth cousin. They were not "twice removed" from each other.

I asked ChatGPT, "If Chat GPT had a tenth cousin twice removed who would it be in technology terms?"

ChatGPT answered: In terms of technology, if ChatGPT had a tenth cousin twice removed in the realm of technology, an analogy could be made to the earliest computers or computing pioneers. Just as ChatGPT represents advanced language processing capabilities, a tenth cousin twice removed in the technology field might be associated with early computing devices or pioneers who contributed to the development of computing technology.

So I asked a follow-up question, "Please tell me about any early computing devices or pioneers who contributed to the development of computing technology?"

ChatGPT answered: There are several early computing devices and pioneers who played significant roles in the development of computing technology. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Charles Babbage: Often considered the "father of the computer," Babbage conceptualized and designed the Analytical Engine in the 19th century. Although the machine was never fully constructed during his lifetime, it laid the foundation for modern computer architecture.
  2. Ada Lovelace: Lovelace, an English mathematician, is recognized as the world's first computer programmer. She collaborated with Charles Babbage and wrote detailed notes on his Analytical Engine, including the first algorithm intended for implementation on a machine.
  3. Alan Turing: Turing, a British mathematician and computer scientist, made substantial contributions to early computer science. His work during World War II on code-breaking machines, particularly the Bombe and the concept of the Turing machine, laid the groundwork for modern computing.
  4. Konrad Zuse: Zuse, a German engineer, developed the Z3 in the 1940s, considered the world's first functional, programmable, and fully automatic digital computer. His work contributed to the advancement of computer architecture and programming languages.
  5. ENIAC: The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was one of the earliest general-purpose electronic digital computers. Developed in the 1940s by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, ENIAC was a significant milestone in computing history.
  6. IBM 650: Released in 1954, the IBM 650 was one of the first widely used computers for business and scientific applications. It played a crucial role in the early computerization of various industries.

These are just a few examples among many pioneers and early computing devices that contributed to the development of computing technology. Their innovations and advancements laid the foundation for the sophisticated computers and technology we have today.

IBM 650s are shown here in production at the company's plant in Endicott, N.Y.

So there you have it ChatGPT's tenth cousin twice removed is the IBM 650.