20 April 2018

23andMe DNA test results - part two

In my previous post 23andMe DNA test results - part one, I covered the heritage or origin test results I received from ancestry, MyHeritage and 23andMe. I also talked about the DNA match results from each provider.

I wanted to cover the rest of the DNA heritage information offered by 23andMe.

Above is my Ancestry Composition Chromosome Painting. This view of your DNA Chromosomes is quickly becoming a universal way to identify the different segments of your DNA. I will post more about this new visual tool in a later post.

One great feature of the 23andMe Chromosome Painting is as you mouse over the different identifies regions in the chart on the right the corresponding segments are highlighted. The above Chromosome Painting is of the segments identified with the French and German results.

The above Chromosome Painting shows the segments associated with the Scandinavian results.

23andMe also identifies Your Maternal and Paternal Haplogroup. My maternal line is identified as  Halpogroup H.
I do not understand the significance of this grouping or the science behind it. Maternal haplogroups are determined by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).

This migration map is confusing to me because of the placement of group L. I am sure the genetic science proves this out but it is not easy for my to understand how it relates to me.

My paternal haplogroup is R-M222. One in thirty-nine 23andMe customers have this assignment. Paternal lineages are based on the variants found in Y-DNA.

I think the most unflattering heritage results says I have more Neanderthal DNA than 60% of other customers.

I will try and remain clean shaven from now on.

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