05 January 2015

My Genealogy Stats as of 1 January 2015

Last year just after RootsTech I took a look at where I was in my genealogy research. I did not record all of the information from my database and I was looking at the end of February instead of at the very beginning of the year.

This year I have decided to record more of my statistical information to compare in the future. I am a Legacy Family Tree user and easily found the information in the File Properties in the file menu.

Number of Individuals: 9883
Number of Families: 3176
Unique Surnames: 2192
Alternate names: 7158
Master Location: 5058
Master Sources: 983
Citations: 66430
Master events: 13278
used by individuals: 13336
used by marriages: 690
Master media items: 5070
times linked: 47925
Repositories: 15
Event addresses: 283
Mailing addresses: 109
To-Do items: 204
Research: 201
Correspondence: 3
Other: 0

The only real number I can compare to last year was an increase of 1295 individuals. I am hoping that I can see more than a 13% increase in my numbers. The good news is that I was averaging 129 new people a month or approximately 4 people a day. I know from my work that these have all been sourced and added to my database, FamilySearch and ancestry.com.

I also took a look at my FamilySearch temple reservation information on the website.

All Reserved: 139
Not Printed: 116
Printed: 21
Shared: 0

Legacy also gives me information on the cards I have already printed and not completed. I notice a discrepancy with the website and Legacy between 25 and 21 cards.

My incomplete ordinances are as follows:

60% complete

I hope to push this number higher and try to also track the total number of cards and not just the active and reserved information.

I admit that I chose a direction to head in with my research. I have had some mildly successful outcomes. This coming year I hope to:
  1. Continue my path and try and perfect my skills and boot my numbers higher than 13%. 
  2. Either switch my cloud storage or break down and pay to increase my dropbox capacity. The current back-up size is 3.7 GB for my media file and 39 MB for my data file.
  3. Double my blog numbers. I made 28 posts to my blog since mid January. This looks like an average of 2.5 a month but the reality is that more than half of them I made in the first three months. I have had 1812 page views this year with 341 last month.
  4. Go old school with my research. I need to ask relatives for more information through personal questionnaires and media searches. I also need to print out sources I find to add to my files. I also need to visit the Family History Library more than once to obtain copies of sources that are not online.
  5. Increase use of social media. I want to host a virtual family reunion with specific goals for obtaining information and pictures for descendancy research and living family members. I also want to get more people to see my rebel mouse page.
  6. Attend at least two genealogy conferences this year and attend or teach a regular class within my area or stake.
  7.  Complete the temple reservations I have already printed and supply more cards for our family to attend together and complete at least 5 baptisms and confirmations for each of our teenagers at home.
 I like writing down my goals but I think the true benefit of this post will be to see how I have grown and the work I have completed in 2015. I am open to other ideas but I think this is a good start.

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