17 February 2015

Family Discovery Center

While we were in Salt Lake for RootsTech we stopped by the FamilySearch Center in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building on Temple Square. There is a new exhibit called the Family Discovery Center.

Author A.J. Jacobs and family in the Family Discovery Center
When you walk into the center you are surrounded by large screens and kiosks begging for interaction. We were each handed an ipad where we could enter in information or link with out FamilySearch accounts.

You also get to take a nice selfie that is used in several of the interactive displays.

As you move through the center you are presents with information about yourself. In essence this is a museum about yourself.

I liked to use the interactive map that plotted places from my FamilyTree on different parts of the world. I could interact with the displayed information and zoom in or out to see the maps better. The information is only as good as what is in FamilySearch but I was impressed with the way it draws you in.

There aren't any spoilers in the center but I will let you discover some of the displays for yourself. The final display is a tree and once you dock your ipad a collage of your experience is displayed in front of you.

I was a consensus that we needed to return with our children so they too could have the experience. It is a great way to learn about yourself and your family. I am excited for the interest it may foster in the lives of the youth that get to experience it. I recommend that if you are in Salt Lake that you try it too.

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